Anyways jokes aside, the Nintendrones were there in the masses. Kinda strange considering how much these same people condemn the DSi and its Nintendo-style of features on the interwebs. But when Nintendo calls, peoples come - it just happened that the Womens Weekly and Cosmopolitan readers were washing their hair on the night.
Already stocking DSi accessories
While the event was't quite starting up until 10pm, people were already there in preperation for the big event and for last minute pre orders of the system. In order to entice any on the ropes people or parents of 11 years olds who had already pre ordered their own system, EB were throwing in free copies of the 'Training' games with every DSi purchased that night. And what better way to push a cynical game writer over the edge than making the price $150 when you pawn off your DS Lite. I guess I could cave in tonight.
One last photo for memories (or lulz)
As I stood in line, removing my copy of GTA: Chinatown Wars from my almighty DS Lite, I decided I would have to live without the possibility of playing my GBA games (oh yea, and Jessie's Girl on Guitar Hero On Tour). When it came my turn to be served I announced that they had won and I was trading in my Lite. Then came the turning point. "Do you have the charger with you?" As this was an impulse moment of course I didn't have any stinkin charger with me. Oh sure I could have spent $15 on a charger to trade in with the Lite, but by that point I was looking for any excuse to back out. Dodged a $150 matte black bullet with that wall in front of me. Oh wait, its time to start up that whole event thing
There is, but one ring, to rule them all!
The velvet rope was removed. It was time for the nintendrones to march up the stairs and experience the Nintendo...experience. A bunch of Nintendo Wii systems are set up for the nights Mario Power Tennis tournament (aka. an easy way for a person to score a second DSi in the night). That said, yours truely was sure to get his rear end handed to him in the first round, by someone he knew from high school to make things worse! On the bright side, despite not serving V/Red Bull/Mother/Poison as the choice of beverage, Nintendo knows what its audience digests.
To quote someone from the night "they're doing well - they have us eating out of dog bowls"
Long story short, no one told Nintendo that daylight savings was a week late and this 'midnight' launch was more of an 11pm launch. Not as charming I know, but whatever gets me home before I miss the last tram. I tried my luck at haggling the EB employees for a DSi without that bullocks trade in, but the best I could get em down to was $299.95 which was too much for me so I moved on and proceeded to snap pictures of the lucky people who could afford the rrp and still sleep at night. Enough talking now, time for pictures acompanied by my dry, unfunny wit.
The lucky first two showing off their DSi's - Don't ya just wish you were them? Yea, me neither.
Too busy enjoying that DSi to notice the free ice cream being handed to her right now.
Yea he has a DSi, so what? Smiling is for the weak after all!
But thats not a...oh I get it! Even more ironic - he wasn't playing a PSP game (oh snap!)
At least this guy has a DSi, and he seems happy about it too
Two nerds and only one DSi? Hope they learn to share
You gotta admire the nerds that take the time to inspect their goods on the spot. They just DO NOT trust Nintendo to give them that second styli
The closest I will get to a DSi for quite some time (at least a DSi without security restrains trapping it on the EB tables)
At the end the boxes were empty and the dog bowls were nothing but holes with bits of sugar sitting on the bottom. And that is pretty much it. Nothing that wouldn't have been covered by others by now since I am a couple days late in reportings. All thats left to do is say 'Cheers' and go get my 8 hours.
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