Xbox Arcade - $299
Xbox 20GB Pro Console - $349
Xbox 60GB Pro Console - $399
Xbox Elite Console - $549
While the Elite is still incredibly overpriced for its only redeeming features (being the 120GB hard drive and black colour) the other systems are looking very appealing. Even though I'm still committed to my plans to buy a Playstation 3 sometime between boxing day and start of my 2009 classes, I can't help but 'want' to jump into the Xbox gaming pool and see what I'm missing now that the systems are coming down in price this fast. I guess I should get all the details lined out about why I have been pro PS3 this whole time
Playstation 3
-80GB HDD, easily upgradeable to anying from 120-500GB
-Built in Wifi
-Free online play via PSNetwork
-Already have Rock Band equipment for PS2 (meaning no new hardware required)
-System does not use a prehestoric disc tray
-Stripped backwards compatibility for PS2 games
-Trophies don't apply to all games
-Where the hell is Home!?!?
now heres the factors for the Xbox 360
-Cheaper than a Wii
-New Xbox Experience will help save my discs
-Xbox Live Arcade
-Consoles stability reputations
-Disc tray is still a threat to my games pre install
-Paying for Xbox Gold
-No built in Wifi (and no way in hell I'm paying extra for a Wifi adapter)
Now the situation for me about built in Wifi is a big one, since I don't use a wired connection for anything in my house, and the internet connection is pretty far from where the console would be living. Meaning I can pretty much pass on Xbox Live Gold/Demos/DLC/Live Arcade. Of course now that games can be installed onto the harddrive I'll have a use for the 20GB/60GB storage. All this means is that I will still buy third party software on PS3 just to make use of online play n such, but theres still the matter of Microsofts exclusives.
With no other way to say this I'll just put it out there. Is it worth buying an Xbox 360 Pro Conosle (I'd be gunning for a 60GB deal) for single player experiences in games like Halo/Gears of War and single player exclusives like Fable 2/Ninja Gaiden 2?
I really need to sleep on this, its hurting my head. The only cure for a sore head would be to go play some more Rock Band so I'm out for tonight
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